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If you are actually using a terminal or terminal emulator with a richer character set, you must use the '-a' option or the 'MM_CHARSET' environment variable to inform this program of that fact. ʑzxcvbnm,./\asdfghjkl;'`qwertyuiop[]1234567890-=ZXCVBNM<>?|ASDFGHJKL:"~QWERTYUIOP{}!@#$%^&*()_+Here is the keyboard map for the character set %s .If your terminal does not really use this character set, this may look strange. %c%c %c%c METAMAIL_TMPDIR/tmp%s/mm.XXXXXXPAGERwThe following tilde escapes are BSD-mail-compatible: ~? Show help on tilde escapes ~| RESERVED FOR BSD MAIL COMPATIBILITY ~f RESERVED FOR BSD MAIL COMPATIBILITY ~m RESERVED FOR BSD MAIL COMPATIBILITY ~! Shell escape ~~ Enter text line starting with a tilde ~. Send the mail and exit ~c Add to Cc list ~d Read from %s (or named file, ~d filename) ~e Edit message being composed ~h Edit the headers ~p Print out the message so far ~q Quit, copying to %s ~r Read the named text file into the message ~s Reset the subject ~t Add to To list ~v Edit using VISUAL editor ~w Write message to named file The following tilde escapes are unique to this program: ~/ Set maximum size before message is split into multiple parts ~?+ Show help on extended (eight-bit) characters ~> Indent Left Margin ~< Unindent Left Margin ~R Unindent Right Margin ~+ Enter 8-bit mode for non-ASCII characters ~- Leave 8-bit mode (return to ASCII) ~^ Toggle "Upside-down" (right-to-left) mode. ~* Add non-text data (pictures, sounds, etc.) as a new MIME part (try it!) ~b Toggle bold mode ~i Toggle italic mode ~j Alter Justification (~jc = center, ~jl = flushleft, ~jr = flushright.) ~k Toggles whether or not to keep a 'blind' copy of your mail ~n Force newline (hard line break) ~Q Toggle quotation (excerpt) mode ~S Toggle Semitic text mode (combines 8-bit and left-to-right) ~u Toggle underline mode ~z Add the contents of %s as a TEXT signature. ~Z Add the contents of %s as a NON-TEXT (MIME-format) signature. For further information, read the man page. more%s %sCannot find your home directory, using /tmp/tmpTERMkskesosemdmeusuecolitext/plainmailto: Out of memory %s: %s [%s] , mailto: Unable to allocate memory SPLITSIZEIgnoring SPLITSIZE environment variable of %d -- the minimum value is %d MM_CHARSETmailto: -a requires a character set specification to follow mailto: -r requires a Message-ID to follow mailto: -s requires a subject specification to follow mailto: Unrecognized option %s us-asciius-asciiiso-8859-mailto: Unsupported character set: %s us-asciiComposing mail in character set %s ToSubjectCcwmailto: Can't open temporary file %s Executing: %s indentrightindentindentrightindentIgnoring splitsize setting of %d -- the minimum value is %d Set splitsize to %d us-asciimailto: No 8-bit characters allowed in ASCII mail Entering text in eight-bit mode Entering text in seven-bit (normal) mode EnteringExiting%s right-to-left mode wmailto: Can't open temporary file %s boldCc field is now: %s %s/dead.letterrmailto: Cannot open file %s message/rfc822wmailto: Cannot open temporary file %s Included contents of %s wmailto: Can't open temporary file %s ToSubjectCcitalicmailto: Unrecognized justification state: %c mailto: No change in justificiation centerflushrightflushleftcenterflushrightflushleftWillWon't%s keep a blind copy of this message Inserted line break wamailto: Can't open temporary file %s metamail -z %sexcerptmailto: No file name given. rmailto: Cannot open file %s us-asciiIncluded contents of %s us-asciimailto: No 8-bit characters allowed in ASCII mail EnteringExiting%s Eight-bit and right-to-left modes SubjectTo field is now: %s underlinewCould not write file %s Wrote draft to %s amailto: Can't open temporary file %s %s/.signaturermailto: Cannot open file %s signatureus-asciisignatureIncluded contents of %s %s/.SIGNATURErmailto: Cannot open file %s message/rfc822wmailto: Cannot open temporary file %s us-asciiIncluded contents of %s wmailto: Can't open temporary file %s Unrecognized tilde escape: %c EOT splitmail -d -v -s %dsplitmail -d -s %dwmailto: Can't write to splitmail mailto: Error writing to splitmail<%d_%d_%d_%d@%s>MIME-Version: 1.0 In-Reply-ToToSubjectCcCan't find your user id to keep a blind copy BccMessage-ID: %s PART.BOUNDARY.%d.%d.%s.%d.%dContent-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="%s" > THIS IS A MESSAGE IN 'MIME' FORMAT. Your mail reader does not support MIME. > Some parts of this will be readable as plain text. > To see the rest, you will need to upgrade your mail reader. --%s rCan't read temporary file %s --%s-- rCan't read temporary file %s Content-ID: %s us-asciiiso-8859-Content-type: text/richtext; charset="%s" Content-type: text/richtext Content-type: us-asciiiso-8859-; charset="%s" Content-type: Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <%s><%s>Beginning: %s <%s>Ending: %s mailto: Already in %s style mailto: You aren't in a %s style  us-asciiInterrupt ignored because 'ignore' is set. Use ~q if you want to quit. %s/dead.letterwCould not write ~/dead.letter Wrote draft to ~/dead.letter mailto: Ignoring invalid mailcap entry: %s needsterminalcopiousoutputtesteditcomposecomposetypeddescriptionlabeltextualnewlinesnotesMAILCAPS/usr/local/etc/mailcap:/usr/etc/mailcap:/etc/mailcap:/etc/mail/mailcap:/usr/public/lib/mailcap/etc/mailcap/usr/local/etc/mailcap:/usr/etc/mailcap:/etc/mailcap:/etc/mail/mailcap:/usr/public/lib/mailcap%s/.mailcap:%s:%sr WARNING: a mailcap file is configured to allow the generation of a content-type with a wildcard. This is probably a mistake. The relevant mailcap entry is in the file %s and is for content-type %s. Please choose which kind of data you wish to insert: 0: A raw file, possibly binary, of no particular data type. 1: Raw data from a file, with you specifying the content-type by hand. %d: %s %d: data in '%s' format Enter your choice as a number from 0 to %d: If you want to include non-textual data from a file, enter the file name. If not, just press ENTER (RETURN): Data insertion cancelled rCannot read %s, data insertion cancelled wCannot open temporary file, data insertion cancelled Enter the MIME Content-type value for the data from file %s (type '?' for a list of locally-valid content-types): text/plainapplication/octet-streamThe MIME content-type '%s' is not listed in your local mailcap files, and may not be a valid MIME type. Do you want to use it anyway [no] ? MIME content-type values are type/format pairs, and always include a '/'. The types supported at your site include, but are not limited to: , The MIME content-type for file inclusion is 'application/octet-stream'. application/octet-streamIncluded data in '%s' format Data insertion cancelled Executing: %s Command execution failed, nothing included No file was created, nothing included! rCannot read file %s, no data included. content-transfer-encodingcontent-typeThe command (%s) did not return a content-type value, so no data could be included. base64quoted-printableThe command (%s) returned an unrecognized content-transfer-encoding value, so no data could be included. wCannot open file %s for writing, no data included. Included data in '%s' format text/text/richtextrimage/audio/application/octet-streamvideo/Ignoring unrecognized format code in mailcap file: %%<%c > VISUALEDITORvi%s %sExecuting: %s aPart #%d is of type '%s'. %s %sWhich command do you want to use to edit it? 1: %s 2: %s Enter 1 or 2, or 0 to not edit it: Executing: %s Executing: %s a/usr/lib/Mail.rc%s/.mailrc%s/.AMS_aliasesrset unset alias askccdotignoreverbosequietkeepblindcommasonlysplitsize Ignoring splitsize mailrc setting of %d -- the minimum value is %d mailto: ignoring bad alias line in init file: %s : us-asciiWarning: The prevailing character set is ASCII. Your %s header has non-ASCII or non-printing ASCII characters which may be unreadable. =?%s?Q??= 0123456789ABCDEF: , /unknown; =rWARNING: You have entered 8-bit characters in what is supposed to be plain ASCII text. If you are using a non-ASCII character set, you should declare this to be the case with the MM_CHARSET environment variable. For now, I am assuming you are using the iso-8859-1 character set, but this may be false. iso-8859-1ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/>?456789:;<=  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123-- Ignoring unrecognized boundary line: %s Premature EOF! 0123456789ABCDEF  =46romFromFroFrtextmessagemultipartUNKNOWN.SITE.NAME$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/andrwdir.c,v 2.9 1992/12/15 21:08:11 rr2b R6tape $ANDREWDIRAndrewDir/usr/andrew$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/config.c,v 2.20 1993/07/08 19:09:23 Zarf Exp $dH/usr/andrew/etc/AndrewSetup/usr/andrew/etc/AndrewSetup/usr/vice/etc/AndrewSetup/etc/AndrewSetup/AndrewSetupi386_Linuxi386_Linuxr$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/foldedeq.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:09:01 rr2b R6tape $  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/hname.c,v 1.11 1992/12/15 21:10:10 rr2b R6tape $ThisDomainSuffix..$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/ulstrcmp.c,v 2.11 1992/12/15 21:10:49 rr2b R6tape $ ``p?`ܼPLT__svcerr_