% FSF order form -- Bull24 version % Written by Charles Hannum from text and a design supplied by the Free % Software Foundation. % Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. % % Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute verbatim copies of % this document, in any medium, provided that the copyright notice and % permission notice are preserved, and that the distributor grants the % recipient permission for further redistribution as permitted by this % notice. \input order-form-macros.tex \def\version{March 1998 Bulletin} \def\expiration{July 31, 1998} \def\cdroms{CD-ROMs} \def\cds{CDs} \def\currenterversion{ A possibly more current version of this order form can be found on the WWW at `http://www.gnu.org/order/order.html' or can be found on a GNU FTP host (listed in ``How to Get GNU Software') in file `/pub/gnu/GNUinfo/ORDERS'.} \def\subsubsection#1{\vskip\beforesubsectionskip{ #1}\par\penalty10000} \bulletinsize {\hd Free Software Foundation \ifmanualsonly Manual \fi Order Form} \vskip\sectionskip All items are distributed with permission to copy and to redistribute. \ifmanualsonly\else Texinfo source for each manual and source for each reference card is on the appropriate \cdrom; the prices for these media do not include printed documentation. All items are provided ``as is'', with no warranty of any kind. Please allow three weeks for delivery (though it won't usually take that long.) \vskip\littleskip {\bf Prices and contents may change without notice after \expiration.} \fi \vskip\littleskip \currenterversion \ifmanualsonly\else \vskip\littleskip \section{\cdroms} \subsection{Our \cdroms\ are in ISO 9660 format\ifbulletin\ (see ``CD-ROMs'', page 38)\fi.} \subsubsection{{\bf GNU Source Code \cdroms}, March '98 edition (Version 11) with X11R6.3:} \doprice{240}{for corporations and other organizations.} \doprice{60} {for individuals.} \subsubsection{{\bf Subscriptions}, next 4 updates\ifbulletin\ (see ``\cdrom\ Subscription Service'', page 41)\fi:} \doprice{720}{{\bf GNU Source Code \cdroms\ } for corporations and other organizations.} \doprice{180}{{\bf GNU Source Code \cdroms\ } for individuals.} \subsubsection{{\bf GNU Compiler Tools Binaries \cdrom}, March '98 edition (Version 5):} \doprice{220}{for corporations and other organizations.} \doprice{55} {for individuals.} \section{MS-DOS Software} \subsubsection{{\bf GNU Software for MS-Windows and MS-DOS (with \cdrom)}:} \doprice{140}{for corporations and other organizations.} \doprice{35} {for individuals.} \fi \vskip\littleskip \section{FSF Deluxe Distribution} \subsection{Please contact us with any questions. \ifbulletin\ See ``Deluxe Distribution'', page 37, for machine, operating system, and media types.\fi} \doprice{5000}{{\bf Deluxe Distribution}, with manuals, etc.} \fillin {\bf Machine:} \handentry {\bf Operating system:} \handentry {\bf Media type:} \handentry {\bf (Optional) Version of X Window System to link with:} \handentry \endfillin \vskip\littleskip \section{T-shirts } \newdimen\colorwidth \colorwidth=2pc \def\colorline{\vrule width\colorwidth height\normalruleheight depth0pt} \subsection{GNU/FSF T-shirts\ifbulletin\ (see ``FSF T-shirt'', page 43)\fi, thick 100\% cotton, available in black or natural (off-white) in sizes S, M, L, XL, \& XXL, in burgundy or blue-green in sizes L, XL \& XXL, and XXXL in black. Please list several color choices.} \doprice{18}{\bf Size {\quantityline} Color: 1st {\colorline} 2nd {\colorline} 3rd {\colorline}} \doprice{18}{\bf Size {\quantityline} Color: 1st {\colorline} 2nd {\colorline} 3rd {\colorline}} \doprice{18}{\bf Size {\quantityline} Color: 1st {\colorline} 2nd {\colorline} 3rd {\colorline}} \doprice{18}{\bf Size {\quantityline} Color: 1st {\colorline} 2nd {\colorline} 3rd {\colorline}} \vskip\littleskip \vfil\break \eject \section{Manuals } \subsection{These manuals\ifbulletin\ (see ``GNU Documentation'', page 41)\fi. The latest version of each manual will be shipped. Please contact us if you want a specific version.} \doprice{30}{{\bf GNU Emacs Manual}, with a reference card.} \doprice{50}{{\bf GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual}, in two vols.} \doprice{60}{{\bf GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual, Japanese Edition}.} \doprice{50}{{\bf Using and Porting GNU CC}.} \doprice{50}{{\bf GNU C Library Reference Manual}.} \doprice{50}{{\bf GNU Emacs Calc Manual}, with a reference card.} \doprice{20}{{\bf Programming in Emacs Lisp: An Introduction}.} \doprice{20}{{\bf Debugging with GDB}, with a reference card.} \doprice{25}{{\bf GAWK: The GNU Awk User's Guide}.} \doprice{20}{{\bf GNU Make}.} \doprice{20}{{\bf Bison Manual}, with a reference card.} \doprice{20}{{\bf Flex Manual}, with a reference card.} \doprice{25}{{\bf Texinfo Manual}.} \doprice{15}{{\bf Termcap Manual}, 3rd Edition Revised.} \vskip\littleskip \section{Reference Cards } \subsection{These reference cards, in packets of ten. Single copies \$1.50.} \doprice{10}{{\bf GNU Emacs version 20 reference cards.}} \doprice{10}{{\bf GNU Emacs Calc reference cards.}} \doprice{10}{{\bf GDB reference cards.}} \doprice{10}{{\bf Bison reference cards.}} \doprice{10}{{\bf Flex reference cards.}} \vskip\littleskip \section{Older Items {\it -- only available while supplies last.} } \doprice{30}{{\bf Using and Porting GCC}, 8.5 x 11 inches, with plastic binding (same text as current edition)} \global\advance\baselineskip by\littleskip \global\def\leaderfill{\hskip5pt\leaders\hrule height \normalruleheight \hskip5pt plus1fil\hskip5pt} \settabs\+\hskip3em November '93 (Version 3) with X11R5&{\it \& other organizations}M&{\it \& other organizations}M&MM\cr \+ Please fill in the number of each &\it for corporations&\it for individuals& \cr \global\advance\baselineskip by-\beforesubsectionskip \+ older \cdrom\ you order: &\it \& other organizations\hidewidth\cr \+ {\bf GNU Compiler Tools Binaries \cdroms}: &&& \cr \+ \hskip3em January '97 (Version 4)& \leaderfill & \leaderfill & \cr \+ \hskip3em December '95 (Version 3)& \leaderfill & \leaderfill & \cr \+ \hskip3em December '94 (Version 2)& \leaderfill & \leaderfill & \cr \+ \hskip3em December '93 (Version 1)& \leaderfill & \leaderfill & \cr \vskip\littleskip \+ Please note that the December 1994 Source CD is permanently out of stock.&&& \cr \+ {\bf GNU Source Code \cdroms: } &&& \cr \+ \hskip3em July '97 (Version 10) with X11R6.3& \leaderfill & \leaderfill & \cr \+ \hskip3em January '97 (Version 9) with X11R6.3& \leaderfill & \leaderfill & \cr \+ \hskip3em July '96 (Version 8) with X11R6.1& \leaderfill & \leaderfill & \cr \+ \hskip3em December '95 (Version 7) with X11R6& \leaderfill & \leaderfill & \cr \+ \hskip3em June '95 (Version 6) with X11R6& \leaderfill & \leaderfill & \cr \+ \hskip3em May '94 (Version 4) with X11R6& \leaderfill & \leaderfill & \cr \+ \hskip3em November '93 (Version 3) with X11R5& \leaderfill & \leaderfill & \cr \+ \hskip3em May '93 (Version 2) with X11R5& \leaderfill & \leaderfill & \cr \+ \hskip3em October '92 (Version 1) with X11R5& \leaderfill & \leaderfill & \cr \vskip\littleskip {Please put the total count and cost of the above older \cdroms\ here:} \doprice{80}{for corporations and other organizations.} \doprice{20}{for individuals.} \vfil\break \eject \section{Tax and Shipping Costs} \vskip\littleskip \setbox9=\hbox{$\plus$} \doplus{{\bf For addresses in Mass.}: add 5\% sales tax or give tax exempt number. There is no sales tax on T-shirts.} \vskip\littleskip \doplus{{\bf Shipping fee} for addresses in {\bf Alaska, Hawaii,} or {\bf Puerto Rico}:\hfill\break \hbox to\wd9{\hfil} \$\enspace 5 base charge;\hfill\break \copy9\ \$\enspace 5 for {\bf each} Emacs Calc or Emacs Lisp Reference\hfill\break \hbox to\wd9{\hfil} manual (\$5$\times${\it m});\hfill\break \copy9\ \$20 for {\bf each} \cdrom\ subscription (\$20$\times${\it s});\hfill\break \copy9\ \$\enspace 1 for {\bf each} item other than the above (shipping for all other items = \$1$\times${\it i}).\hfill} \doplus{{\bf Shipping fees} for {\bf Foreign Destinations}:\hfill\break Via courier (3-4 days):\hfill\break (Please do {\bf not} use this formula for shipments to\hfill\break {\bf Israel, Saudi Arabia,} and other {\bf Middle Eastern} countries. Please contact us for an exact shipping quote.)\hfill\break \hbox to\wd9{\hfil} \$20 base charge for addresses {\bf outside} of {\bf U.S.,}\hfill\break \hbox to\wd9{\hfil} {\bf Canada,} \& {\bf Puerto Rico};\hfill\break \copy9\ \$80 for {\bf each} \cdrom\ subscription (\$80$\times${\it s}).\hfill\break \copy9\ \$10 for {\bf each} of the other items in the order (\$10$\times${\it i}); Via air mail (2-3 weeks): \hfill\break \hbox to\wd9{\hfil} Contact our office for an exact quote. \hfill\break In Europe, ordering via GNU Distribution Europe, Belgium may reduce these costs\ifbulletin\ (see ``European Distributor'', page 7)\fi.} \vskip\littleskip \doplus{{\bf Optional donation} (tax-deductible in the U.S.). We suggest 5\% if paying by credit card.} \vskip\littleskip \dototal{TOTAL}{We pay for shipping via UPS ground transportation in the contiguous 48 states and Canada.} \vskip\sectionskip \section{Shipping Information} \fillin {\bf Name} \handentry {\bf Mail Stop/Dept.\ Name} \handentry {\bf Organization} \handentry {\bf Street Address} \handentry {\bf City, State/Province} \handentry {\bf Zip Code/Postal Code, Country} \handentry \vskip\sectionskip {\bf In case of a problem with your order:} \break \break {\bf Telephone number} \handentry {\bf Fax number} \handentry {\bf E-mail address} \handentry \endfillin \vfil\break \eject \advance\parskip by\littleskip {\bf Orders will be filled only upon receipt of payment in U.S.\ dollars.} Unpaid orders will be returned to the sender. {\bf For orders from outside the U.S.:} In Europe, you may find it cheaper and more convenient to use our European Distributor\ifbulletin\ (see page 7)\fi. You are responsible for paying all duties, tariffs, and taxes. If you refuse to pay these charges, the shipping service may return or abandon the shipment. Please make {\bf checks} payable to the {\bf Free Software Foundation}. Checks must be in U.S.\ dollars, drawn on a U.S.\ bank. {\bf For credit card orders:} FSF takes these credit cards: Carte Blanche, Diner's Club, Discover, JCB, MasterCard, Visa, and American Express. Please note that we are charged about 5\% of an order's total amount in credit card processing fees. Please consider paying by check instead, or adding on a 5\% donation to make up the difference. To place a credit card order, please give us this information: \advance\parskip by-\littleskip \fillin {\bf Card type} \handentry {\bf Account Number} \handentry {\bf Expiration Date} \handentry {\bf Cardholder's Name} \handentry {\bf Cardholder's Signature} \handentry \endfillin \vskip\sectionskip {\bf If you wish to pay by wire transfer or you are a reseller,} please contact us for details.\par \vfill \currenterversion \vfill \vskip\sectionskip \setbox0=\vbox{ \halign{#\hfil\cr {\bf Free Software Foundation, Inc.}\cr 59 Temple Place - Suite 330\cr Boston, MA \ {\number02111-1307}\cr USA\cr Telephone: {\number+1-617-542-5942}\cr Fax: {\number+1-617-542-2652}\cr } \halign{#\hfil&#\hfil\cr \space\cr \space\cr \space\cr } } \setbox1=\vbox to\ht0{ \advance\hsize by-\wd0 \hbox to\hsize{\hfil Please mail orders to: } \vfil \hbox to\hsize{\quad\hfill} \vfil \hbox{\version} \vfil \hbox to\hsize{\quad\hfill} \vfil \vbox{ \advance\hsize by-.5in \rightskip=0pt plus1fil {\bf Prices and contents may change without notice after \hbox{\expiration}.}\par } } \hbox{\box1\box0}\par \vfil\break \eject\bye