if Config.SqlKeybinding then local emob1 = "" local emob2 = "" local emob3 = "" local emob4 = "" local emob5 = "" local emob6 = "" local keyb1 = "" local keyb2 = "" local keyb3 = "" local keyb4 = "" local keyb5 = "" local keyb6 = "" local Initialized = false ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Commands / Events -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do if NetworkIsPlayerActive(PlayerId()) and not Initialized then if not Initialized then TriggerServerEvent("dp:ServerKeybindExist") Wait(5000) end end if not IsPedSittingInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId()) then for k, v in pairs(Config.KeybindKeys) do if IsControlJustReleased(0, v) then if k == keyb1 then if emob1 ~= "" then EmoteCommandStart(nil,{emob1, 0}) end end if k == keyb2 then if emob2 ~= "" then EmoteCommandStart(nil,{emob2, 0}) end end if k == keyb3 then if emob3 ~= "" then EmoteCommandStart(nil,{emob3, 0}) end end if k == keyb4 then if emob4 ~= "" then EmoteCommandStart(nil,{emob4, 0}) end end if k == keyb5 then if emob5 ~= "" then EmoteCommandStart(nil,{emob5, 0}) end end if k == keyb6 then if emob6 ~= "" then EmoteCommandStart(nil,{emob6, 0}) end end Wait(1000) end end end Citizen.Wait(1) end end) RegisterNetEvent("dp:ClientKeybindExist") AddEventHandler("dp:ClientKeybindExist", function(does) if does then TriggerServerEvent("dp:ServerKeybindGrab") else TriggerServerEvent("dp:ServerKeybindCreate") end end) RegisterNetEvent("dp:ClientKeybindGet") AddEventHandler("dp:ClientKeybindGet", function(k1, e1, k2, e2, k3, e3, k4, e4, k5, e5, k6, e6) keyb1 = k1 emob1 = e1 keyb2 = k2 emob2 = e2 keyb3 = k3 emob3 = e3 keyb4 = k4 emob4 = e4 keyb5 = k5 emob5 = e5 keyb6 = k6 emob6 = e6 Initialized = true end) RegisterNetEvent("dp:ClientKeybindGetOne") AddEventHandler("dp:ClientKeybindGetOne", function(key, e) SimpleNotify(Config.Languages[lang]['bound'].."~y~"..e.."~w~ "..Config.Languages[lang]['to'].." ~g~"..firstToUpper(key).."~w~") if key == "num4" then emob1 = e keyb1 = "num4" elseif key == "num5" then emob2 = e keyb2 = "num5" elseif key == "num6" then emob3 = e keyb3 = "num6" elseif key == "num7" then emob4 = e keyb4 = "num7" elseif key == "num8" then emob5 = e keyb5 = "num8" elseif key == "num9" then emob6 = e keyb6 = "num9" end end) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Functions and stuff -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function EmoteBindsStart() EmoteChatMessage(Config.Languages[lang]['currentlyboundemotes'].."\n" ..firstToUpper(keyb1).." = '^2"..emob1.."^7'\n" ..firstToUpper(keyb2).." = '^2"..emob2.."^7'\n" ..firstToUpper(keyb3).." = '^2"..emob3.."^7'\n" ..firstToUpper(keyb4).." = '^2"..emob4.."^7'\n" ..firstToUpper(keyb5).." = '^2"..emob5.."^7'\n" ..firstToUpper(keyb6).." = '^2"..emob6.."^7'\n") end function EmoteBindStart(source, args, raw) if #args > 0 then local key = string.lower(args[1]) local emote = string.lower(args[2]) if (Config.KeybindKeys[key]) ~= nil then if DP.Emotes[emote] ~= nil then TriggerServerEvent("dp:ServerKeybindUpdate", key, emote) elseif DP.Dances[emote] ~= nil then TriggerServerEvent("dp:ServerKeybindUpdate", key, emote) elseif DP.PropEmotes[emote] ~= nil then TriggerServerEvent("dp:ServerKeybindUpdate", key, emote) else EmoteChatMessage("'"..emote.."' "..Config.Languages[lang]['notvalidemote'].."") end else EmoteChatMessage("'"..key.."' "..Config.Languages[lang]['notvalidkey']) end else print("invalid") end end end