-- Delay between each attempt to open/close the doors corresponding to their state local _scanDelay = 500 Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do local office = 0 -- Search for the current office to open/close the safes doors if (Global.FinanceOffices.isInsideOffice1) then office = FinanceOffice1 elseif (Global.FinanceOffices.isInsideOffice2) then office = FinanceOffice2 elseif (Global.FinanceOffices.isInsideOffice3) then office = FinanceOffice3 elseif (Global.FinanceOffices.isInsideOffice4) then office = FinanceOffice4 end if (office ~= 0) then -- Office found, let's check the doors -- Check left door doorHandle = office.Safe.GetDoorHandle(office.currentSafeDoors.hashL) if (doorHandle ~= 0) then if (office.Safe.isLeftDoorOpen) then office.Safe.SetDoorState("left", true) else office.Safe.SetDoorState("left", false) end end -- Check right door doorHandle = office.Safe.GetDoorHandle(office.currentSafeDoors.hashR) if (doorHandle ~= 0) then if (office.Safe.isRightDoorOpen) then office.Safe.SetDoorState("right", true) else office.Safe.SetDoorState("right", false) end end end Wait(_scanDelay) end end)