CreateThread(function() while true do for _, sctyp in next, Config.BlacklistedScenarios['TYPES'] do SetScenarioTypeEnabled(sctyp, false) end for _, scgrp in next, Config.BlacklistedScenarios['GROUPS'] do SetScenarioGroupEnabled(scgrp, false) end Wait(10000) end end) AddEventHandler("populationPedCreating", function(x, y, z, model) Wait(500) -- Give the entity some time to be created local found, handle = GetClosestPed(x, y, z, 1.0) -- Get the entity handle SetPedDropsWeaponsWhenDead(handle, false) end) CreateThread(function() -- all these should only need to be called once StartAudioScene("CHARACTER_CHANGE_IN_SKY_SCENE") SetAudioFlag("PoliceScannerDisabled", true) SetGarbageTrucks(false) SetCreateRandomCops(false) SetCreateRandomCopsNotOnScenarios(false) SetCreateRandomCopsOnScenarios(false) DistantCopCarSirens(false) RemoveVehiclesFromGeneratorsInArea(335.2616 - 300.0, -1432.455 - 300.0, 46.51 - 300.0, 335.2616 + 300.0, -1432.455 + 300.0, 46.51 + 300.0) -- central los santos medical center RemoveVehiclesFromGeneratorsInArea(441.8465 - 500.0, -987.99 - 500.0, 30.68 -500.0, 441.8465 + 500.0, -987.99 + 500.0, 30.68 + 500.0) -- police station mission row RemoveVehiclesFromGeneratorsInArea(316.79 - 300.0, -592.36 - 300.0, 43.28 - 300.0, 316.79 + 300.0, -592.36 + 300.0, 43.28 + 300.0) -- pillbox RemoveVehiclesFromGeneratorsInArea(-2150.44 - 500.0, 3075.99 - 500.0, 32.8 - 500.0, -2150.44 + 500.0, -3075.99 + 500.0, 32.8 + 500.0) -- military RemoveVehiclesFromGeneratorsInArea(-1108.35 - 300.0, 4920.64 - 300.0, 217.2 - 300.0, -1108.35 + 300.0, 4920.64 + 300.0, 217.2 + 300.0) -- nudist RemoveVehiclesFromGeneratorsInArea(-458.24 - 300.0, 6019.81 - 300.0, 31.34 - 300.0, -458.24 + 300.0, 6019.81 + 300.0, 31.34 + 300.0) -- police station paleto RemoveVehiclesFromGeneratorsInArea(1854.82 - 300.0, 3679.4 - 300.0, 33.82 - 300.0, 1854.82 + 300.0, 3679.4 + 300.0, 33.82 + 300.0) -- police station sandy RemoveVehiclesFromGeneratorsInArea(-724.46 - 300.0, -1444.03 - 300.0, 5.0 - 300.0, -724.46 + 300.0, -1444.03 + 300.0, 5.0 + 300.0) -- REMOVE CHOPPERS WOW end) CreateThread(function() while true do Wait(1) local ped = PlayerPedId() if IsPedBeingStunned(ped) then SetPedMinGroundTimeForStungun(ped, math.random(4000, 7000)) else Wait(1000) end end end) CreateThread(function() for i = 1, 15 do EnableDispatchService(i, false) end SetMaxWantedLevel(0) end) -- CreateThread(function() -- while true do -- local ped = PlayerPedId() -- local weapon = GetSelectedPedWeapon(ped) -- if weapon ~= `WEAPON_UNARMED` then -- if IsPedArmed(ped, 6) then -- DisableControlAction(1, 140, true) -- DisableControlAction(1, 141, true) -- DisableControlAction(1, 142, true) -- end -- if weapon == `WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER` or weapon == `WEAPON_PETROLCAN` then -- if IsPedShooting(ped) then -- SetPedInfiniteAmmo(ped, true, `WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER`) -- SetPedInfiniteAmmo(ped, true, `WEAPON_PETROLCAN`) -- end -- end -- else -- Wait(500) -- end -- Wait(7) -- end -- end)