CreateThread(function() local vehicleWhitelist = {[0]=true,[1]=true,[2]=true,[3]=true,[4]=true,[5]=true,[6]=true,[7]=true,[8]=true,[9]=true,[10]=true,[11]=true,[12]=true,[17]=true,[19]=true,[20]=true} local sleep = 100 while true do playerPed = PlayerPedId() if (not isPlayerWhitelisted or Config.Debug) then for k, v in pairs(Config.Timer) do if v > 0 then Config.Timer[k] = v - 1 end end if GetVehiclePedIsUsing(playerPed) ~= 0 then local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(playerPed, true) if vehicleWhitelist[GetVehicleClass(vehicle)] then local driver = GetPedInVehicleSeat(vehicle, -1) if Config.Timer['Shooting'] == 0 and not BlacklistedWeapon(playerPed) and not IsPedCurrentWeaponSilenced(playerPed) and IsPedArmed(playerPed, 4) then sleep = 10 if IsPedShooting(playerPed) then local vehicle = vehicleData(vehicle) exports['qb-dispatch']:VehicleShooting(vehicle) Config.Timer['Shooting'] = Config.Shooting.Success else Config.Timer['Shooting'] = Config.Shooting.Fail end elseif Config.Timer['Speeding'] == 0 and playerPed == driver then sleep = 100 if (GetEntitySpeed(vehicle) * 3.6) >= (120 + (math.random(30,60))) then Wait(400) if IsPedInAnyVehicle(playerPed, true) and ((GetEntitySpeed(vehicle) * 3.6) >= 90) then local vehicle = vehicleData(vehicle) exports['qb-dispatch']:SpeedingVehicle(vehicle) Config.Timer['Speeding'] = Config.Speeding.Success end else Config.Timer['Speeding'] = Config.Speeding.Fail end else sleep = 100 end end else if Config.Timer['Shooting'] == 0 and not IsPedCurrentWeaponSilenced(playerPed) and IsPedArmed(playerPed, 4) then sleep = 50 if IsPedShooting(playerPed) and not BlacklistedWeapon(playerPed) then exports['qb-dispatch']:Shooting() Config.Timer['Shooting'] = Config.Shooting.Success else Config.Timer['Shooting'] = Config.Shooting.Fail end elseif Config.Timer['Melee'] == 0 and IsPedInMeleeCombat(playerPed) and HasPedBeenDamagedByWeapon(GetMeleeTargetForPed(playerPed), 0, 1) then sleep = 50 exports['qb-dispatch']:Fight() Config.Timer['Melee'] = Config.Melee.Success else sleep = 100 end end end Wait(sleep) end end)