-- BlipHandler -- Created for: -- Handling blips on the map. -- Usage: -- NOTE: All arguments are optional. -- Add a blip: myBlip = exports["meta_libs"]:AddBlip(x,y,z,sprite,color,text,scale,display,shortRange,highDetail) -- Add a radius blip: myBlip = exports["meta_libs"]:AddRadiusBlip(x,y,z,range,color,alpha,highDetail) -- Remove the blip: exports["meta_libs"]:RemoveBlip(myBlip) -- Teleport to blip: exports["meta_libs"]:TeleportToBlip(myBlip) local blips = {} local actions = { alpha = SetBlipAlpha, color = SetBlipColour, scale = SetBlipScale, } exports('AddBlip', function(...) local handle = #blips+1 local blip = Blip(...) blips[handle] = blip return handle end) exports('AddRadiusBlip', function(...) local handle = #blips+1 local blip = RadiusBlip(...) blips[handle] = blip return handle end) exports('AddAreaBlip', function(...) local handle = #blips+1 local blip = AreaBlip(...) blips[handle] = blip return handle end) exports('GetBlip', function(handle) return blips[handle] end) exports('SetBlip', function(handle,key,val) local blip = blips[handle] blip[key] = val if actions[key] then actions[key](blip["handle"],val); end end) exports('RemoveBlip', function(handle) local blip = blips[handle] if blip then RemoveBlip(blip["handle"]) end end) exports('TeleportToBlip', function(handle) local blip = blips[handle] if blip then TeleportPlayer(blip.pos) end end)