function format_int(n) if not n then return 0 end n = tonumber(n) if n >= 1e14 then return tostring(n) end if n <= -1e14 then return "-" .. tostring(math.abs(n)) end local negative = n < 0 n = tostring(math.abs(n)) local dp = string.find(n, "%.") or #n + 1 for i = dp - 4, 1, -3 do n = n:sub(1, i) .. "," .. n:sub(i + 1) end -- Make sure the amount is padded with zeroes if n[#n - 1] == "." then n = n .. "0" end return (negative and "-" or "") .. n end function PlayerIdentifier(type, id) --[[ local identifiers = {} local numIdentifiers = GetNumPlayerIdentifiers(id) for a = 0, numIdentifiers do table.insert(identifiers, GetPlayerIdentifier(id, a)) end for b = 1, #identifiers do if string.find(identifiers[b], type, 1) then return identifiers[b] end end return false ]]-- local identifiers = GetPlayerIdentifiers(id) for k,v in pairs(identifiers) do if (string.find(v, type)) then return identifiers[k] end end return false end