RegisterServerEvent('qb-banking:server:sendPaycheck') AddEventHandler('qb-banking:server:sendPaycheck', function(pAmount, pSource) print('paycheck') local src = pSource if not src then return end local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src) local citizenid = Player.PlayerData.citizenid if not citizenid then return end local tax = QBCore.Functions.GlobalTax(pAmount) local total = math.ceil(pAmount - tax) local result = exports["oxmysql"]:executeSync("SELECT paycheck FROM players WHERE citizenid = ?", {citizenid}) local data = result[1] if data ~= nil then TriggerClientEvent("QBCore:Notify",src,"You recived paycheck of €"" (- 15% tax)", 'primary') local setter = exports["oxmysql"]:executeSync("UPDATE players SET paycheck = paycheck + @amount WHERE citizenid = @citizenid",{ ['citizenid'] = citizenid, ['amount'] = total}) end end) RegisterServerEvent('qb-banking:server:Paycheck:pickup') AddEventHandler('qb-banking:server:Paycheck:pickup', function() local src = source if not src then return end local player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src) if not player then return end local cid = player.PlayerData.citizenid if not cid then return end local result = exports.oxmysql:executeSync("SELECT * FROM players WHERE citizenid = ?", {cid}) local data = result[1] if data ~= nil then local paycheck = data.paycheck if paycheck > 0 then player.Functions.AddMoney('bank', paycheck) local setter = exports.oxmysql:executeSync("UPDATE players SET paycheck = ? WHERE citizenid = ?", {0, cid}) TriggerEvent("qb-banking:server:AddToMoneyLog", src, "personal", paycheck, "deposit", "N/A", (note ~= "" and note or "Deposited paycheck of €"..format_int(paycheck).." to a bank account")) TriggerClientEvent("QBCore:Notify",src,"Paycheck of €"..paycheck.." is deposited to your bank account.", "primary") else TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, 'There is no paycheck.', 'error') end end end)