Keys F1 - Radial Circle Menu M - Phone F11 - Change voice distance (check ESC -> Keybinds -> FiveM - you can change the key to your liking) LEFTALT - Radio (check ESC -> Keybinds -> FiveM - you can change the key to your liking) Q, ALT,R - Siren control L - Lock vehicle I - Hud menu T - chat K - Scene H - car head light G - car engine x - handsupp V - cam B - Sealtbelt U - Id --------NP Job and Grade ------------ for example = /setjob 1 trucker 0 for exmaple = /setjob 1 Police 4 1.trucker = grade 0 2.bestbuds = grade 0,1,2,3 3.uWu = cafe Grade 0,1,2,3 4.police = grade 0,1,2,3,4 5.ambulance = grade 0,1,2,3,4 = grade 0,1,2,3,4 = grade 0,1,2,3,4 8.Bus = grade 0 9.cardealer = grade 0,1,2,3,4 10.mechanic = grade 0,1,2,3,4 11.judge = grade 0 = grade 0 13.reporter = grade 0 14.trucker = grade 0 15.tow = grade 0 16.garbage = grade 0 17.vineyward = grade 0 18.hotdog = grade 0 19.burgershot = grade 0,1,2,3,4 20.tuner = grade 0,1,2,3,4 Admin Commands - /admin = Opens admin menu - /tp id/x y z = teleport you on writen coords or tp on id of player (ex. /tp 101.0 101.0 101.0) (/tp 1) - /addpermission god/admin id = give admin access - /removepermission god/admin id = remove admin access - /car t20 = spawn any vehicle model - /dv = delete vehicle - /tpm = teleport on marked location - /givemoney id cash/bank/ = give amount of money (ex. /givemoney 1 bank 20000) - /setmoney id cash/bank/ = set amount of money - /setjob id job grade = set job for player (ex. /setjob 1 police) - check list of jobs - /setgang id gang grade = set any player to gang group (ex. /setgang 1 ballas) - check list of gangs/mafia - /clearinv id = clears inventory - /announce = make an announcement - /staffchat or /s = chat with other admins - /warn id reason = warn player - /checkwarns id = check all warnings about player - /delwarn id number-of-warning = delete warning of player - /reportr = reply to a report - /reporttoggle = turn on/off incoming reports - /setmodel model = change to a model you like - /setspeed fast/super-run/normal = change your speed - /admincar = save vehicle in your garage - /kickall reason = kicks all players - /setammo amount weapon = set ammo for a weapon (ex. /setammo 20 weapon_carbinerifle) - /setcryptoworth crypto worth = set crypto worth - /checkcryptoworth = checks crypto worth - /crypto = check your amount of crypto money - /removestand = removes closest stand (command for hotdog job) - /resetinv stash/glovebox/trunk plate/id-of-stash = reset inventory of stash,trunk,glovebox - /giveitem id name_of_item amount = give any item - /repairweapon hp = repair weapon (ex. /repairweaon 100) - /blackout - /weather - /fix = repairs your vehicle - /revive id = revie player - /kill = kill player - /admincar = car will set to own - /announce = announce in the server - /setgang id gang grade = Set A Players Gang(/setgang 1 ballas 1) Player Commands - /me - /911 = send a report to emergency services - /911a = send an anonymous report to emergency services - /job = check your current job - /gang = check your current gang - /ooc = type in local out of character chat - /report = send report to admins - /binds = open commandbinding menu - /glasses or /g = put your glasses on/off - /masks or /m = put your mask on/off - /closeNUI = close nui - /inventory = open your inventory - /robplayer = rob a player - /enter = enter house - /decorate = decorate your house - /ring = ring the bell at house - /getintrunk = get in trunk - /engine = toggle engine on/off - /givecarkeys id = give keys of the vehicle - /id = check your server id - /shuff = switch from seat - /givecash - /p# = Provide Phone Number - /emotemenu = play an emote Diving - /divingsuit = Take off your diving suit hotdog - /removestand = Remove hot dog stand only for admin Ambulance Commands - /status = check a person status - /heal = help a person with his injuries - /revivep = revive a person - /bill = Bill A Player Police Commands - /takedrivinglicense id = take the driving license from someone - /anklet = put an anklet on the nearest person - /ankletlocation citizenid - anklet location of player - /911e id-of-alert = send a message back to a alert - /vest = take off your vest - /spikestrip = place spike strip - /pobject cone/barier/schotten/tent/light/delete = place object - /cuff = cuff closest player - /escort = escort player - /mdt = toggle police mdt - /callsign name = put the name of your callsign (call number) - /jail id time = jail a person (time in minutes, one minute means one month lul) - /unjail id = unjail a person - /search = search closest player - /cam id = view security camera - /flagplate plate reason = flag a vehicle - /unflagplate = unflag a vehicle - /plateinfo = flag info about vehicle - /depot price = send a vehicle to depot - /impound = impound vehicle - /paytow id = pay a bergnet worker - /paylaw id = pay a lawyer - /bill = Bill A Player - /unseatvehicle = Unseat player out from vehicle - /grantlicense = give driving and weapon license to player - /revokelicense = remove license - /seizecash = cash remove from player News Commands - /newscam = take news camera - /newsmic = take news microphone Housing/Real estate Commands - /createhouse price tier = create a house as a real estate agent - /addgarage = add garage to nearest house Racing Commands - /togglesetup = turn on/off racing setup - /cancelrace = cancel ongoing race - /stoprace = stop race as creator - /quitrace = quit the race - /startrace = start race Drug Dealer - newdealer name min max = min or max is time Place A Dealer - deletedealer name = Delete A Dealer - dealers = View All Dealers - dealergoto = eleport To A Dealer