GNOME Shell Extensions is a collection of extensions providing additional and optional functionality to GNOME Shell. The GNOME Shell extension design is designed to give a high degree of power to the parts of the GNOME interface managed by the shell, such as window management and application launching. Available Extensions ==================== - alternate-tab: Lets you use classic Alt+Tab (window-based instead of app-based) in GNOME Shell. - alternative-status-menu: For those who just cannot understand the design behind the current status menu, and want a power off item visible at all the time. Adds the ability to hibernate as well. - auto-move-windows: Lets you manage your workspaces more easily, assigning a specific workspace to each application as soon as it creates a window, in a manner configurable with a GSettings key. - dock: Shows a dock-style task switcher on the right side of the screen. - example: A minimal example illustrating how to write extensions. - gajim: Integration with Gajim, a Jabber/XMPP instant messaging client. - user-theme: Loads a shell theme from ~/.themes//gnome-shell. - windowsNavigator: Allow keyboard selection of windows and workspaces in overlay mode. - xrandr-indicator: Replace the GTK+ based indicator from gnome-settings-daemon with a native one. Lets the user rotate the laptop monitor and open display preferences quickly. Looking Glass ============= lookingGlass.js is GNOME Shell's integrated debugger and inspector tool; it aims to be the Firebug of GNOME Shell. It is not related to the older project Sun Looking Glass. You currently run it by pressing Alt-F2, typing lg, then Return.