diff --git a/pplot.f b/pplot.f index 7e06e68..c86b2b2 100644 --- a/pplot.f +++ b/pplot.f @@ -4720,6 +4720,7 @@ C---- Initialise variables SCORE(IDIST) = 0.0 50 CONTINUE + REWIND(3) C---- If the required residue is of a greater number than that required, C read through the file until come to it IF (IRESID.GT.INRES) THEN diff --git a/ps.f b/ps.f index b652a7d..858b8e5 100644 --- a/ps.f +++ b/ps.f @@ -1705,12 +1705,14 @@ CVAX - CARRIAGECONTROL='LIST', C---- If this is an existing file, then read through all its records until C get to the end of file IF (.NOT.NEWFIL) THEN + CLOSE(14) + OPEN(14, file=fname, status='old', position='append', err=900) C---- Loop through the file until reach the end - 100 CONTINUE - READ(14,110,END=500) IREC - 110 FORMAT(A) - GO TO 100 +C 100 CONTINUE +C READ(14,110,END=500) IREC +C 110 FORMAT(A) +C GO TO 100 C---- If this is a new file, then write the header records to it ELSE