%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Tages-Termin-Kalender erstellen % % von Andreas Schrell % % Windhoevel 2 % % 5600 Wuppertal 2 % % Tel. 0202/666889 % % E-Mail: ma107 at dhafeu11.bitnet % % Version 1.0 vom 9.10.1991 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentstyle{article} % % Wochentag zu einem Datum ermitteln % \makeatletter \newcount\@tag \newcount\@monat \newcount\@jahr \newcount\@ja \newcount\@jb \newcount\@ha \newcount\@hb \newcount\@hc \newcount\@b \newcount\@f \newcount\Tag \newcount\Monat \newcount\Jahr \newcount\WT \newcount\Woche \newcount\JT \newcount\RT \newcount\MAXT \newcount\WTM \def\Wochentag #1.#2.#3.{\@tag=#1\@monat=#2\@jahr=#3 \Tag#1\Monat#2\Jahr#3 \ifnum\@jahr<100\advance\@jahr by 1900\else\fi \ifnum\@monat<3 % if monat<3 \advance\@monat by 10 % monat:=monat+10 \advance\@jahr by -1 % jahr:=jahr-1 \else % else \advance\@monat by -2 % monat:=monat-2 \fi % fi \@ja=\@jahr\divide\@ja by 100 % ja:=jahr/100 \@jb=-\@ja\multiply\@jb by 100 \advance \@jb by \@jahr % jb:=jahr-ja*100 \@ha=\@monat\multiply\@ha by 13 \advance\@ha by -1 % ha:=13*monat-1 \divide\@ha by 5 % ha:=ha/5 \@hb=\@jb\divide\@hb by 4 % hb:=jb/4 \@hc=\@ja\divide\@hc by 4 % hc:=ja/4 \@b=\@ha\advance\@b by \@hb \advance\@b by \@hc % b:=ha+hb+hc \@f=\@b\advance\@f by \@jb \advance\@f by \@tag % f:=b+jb+tag \multiply \@ja by 2 \advance\@f by -\@ja % f:=f-2*ja \maketag} \newif\ifFeiertag \newif\ifMK \MKfalse \def\FTT #1 #2 #3 {\ifnum\Monat=#2 \ifnum\Tag=#1 \Feiertagtrue\def\Feiertagname{#3}% \fi\fi} \def\FTM #1 #2 #3 {\ifnum\Monat=#2 \ifnum\WTC=#1 \Feiertagtrue\def\Feiertagname{#3}% \fi\fi} \def\testFeiertage{\Feiertagfalse \ifMK\let\FT\FTM\else\let\FT\FTT\fi \FT 1 1 Neujahr \FT 1 5 Maifeiertag \FT 3 10 {Tag der deutschen Einheit} \FT 1 11 Allerheiligen \FT 25 12 1.~Weihnachtstag \FT 26 12 2.~Weihnachtstag \ifnum\Jahr=1991 \FT 20 11 Bu\ss-~und~Bettag \fi \ifnum\Jahr=1992 \FT 17 4 Karfreitag \FT 19 4 Ostern \FT 20 4 Ostern \FT 28 5 Himmelfahrt \FT 7 6 Pfingsten \FT 8 6 Pfingsten \FT 18 6 Fronleichnam \FT 18 11 Bu\ss-~und~Bettag \fi \ifnum\Jahr=1993 \FT 9 4 Karfreitag \FT 11 4 Ostern \FT 12 4 Ostern \FT 20 5 Himmelfahrt \FT 30 5 Pfingsten \FT 31 5 Pfingsten \FT 10 6 Fronleichnam \FT 17 11 Bu\ss-~und~Bettag \fi \ifnum\Jahr=1994 \FT 1 4 Karfreitag \FT 3 4 Ostern \FT 4 4 Ostern \FT 12 5 Himmelfahrt \FT 22 5 Pfingsten \FT 23 5 Pfingsten \FT 2 6 Fronleichnam \FT 16 11 Bu\ss-~und~Bettag \fi } \def\MAXTberechnen{ \MAXT= \ifcase\Monat -1\or 31\or 28\or 31\or 30\or 31\or 30\or 31\or 31\or 30\or 31\or 30\or 31\else \ddt \fi\relax \ifnum\Monat=2 \@ha=\Jahr \divide\@ha by 4 \multiply \@ha by 4 \ifnum\@ha=\Jahr \advance \MAXT by 1\fi \@ha=\Jahr \divide\@ha by 100 \multiply \@ha by 100 \ifnum\@ha=\Jahr \advance \MAXT by -1\fi \@ha=\Jahr \divide\@ha by 400 \multiply \@ha by 400 \ifnum\@ha=\Jahr \advance \MAXT by 1\fi \fi\relax} \def\maketag{\@ha=\@f \divide\@ha by 7 \multiply\@ha by 7 \advance\@f by -\@ha % f:= f mod 7 \WT=\@f \edef\Tagname{\ifcase\@f Sonntag\or Montag\or Dienstag\or Mittwoch\or Donnerstag\or Freitag\or Samstag\else ????????\fi} \edef\Monatname{\ifcase\Monat \ddt\or Januar\or Februar\or M\"arz\or April\or Mai\or Juni\or Juli\or August\or September\or Oktober\or November\or Dezember\else ????????\fi}} \def\nexttag{\advance\@f by 1 \advance\JT by 1 \advance\RT by -1 \advance\Tag by 1 \ifnum\Tag>\MAXT \Tag=1 \advance\Monat by 1 \ifnum\Monat>12 \Monat=1 \advance\Jahr by 1 \fi \MAXTberechnen \fi\relax \maketag \ifnum\WT=1\advance\Woche by 1\fi\relax \ifnum\Tag=1 \WTM=\WT\fi} \newcount\Malc \newcount\WTC \newbox\Monatsbox \def\Monatskalender{\maketag\MKtrue \WTC=\WTM \ifnum\WTC=0\relax\WTC=7\fi \global\Malc=\WTC \setbox\Monatsbox=\vbox{\hsize=4cm\small \noindent\setbox0\hbox{00}\underline{\strut \hbox to \wd0{\hss Mo\hss}\ \ \hbox to \wd0{\hss Di\hss}\ \ \hbox to \wd0{\hss Mi\hss}\ \ \hbox to \wd0{\hss Do\hss}\ \ \hbox to \wd0{\hss Fr\hss}\ \ \hbox to \wd0{\hss Sa\hss}\ \ \hbox to \wd0{\hss\bf So\hss}}\vskip 1mm \noindent \loop \ifnum\WTC>1\relax \advance\WTC by -1 \phantom{00}\ \ \repeat \WTC=1 \loop {\testFeiertage \ifFeiertag\global\let\FTF\it\else\global\let\FTF\relax\fi}% \ifnum\WTC<\MAXT\relax {\ifnum\Malc=7\bf\fi\FTF \ifnum\WTC<10\relax\phantom{0}\fi \ifnum\Tag=\WTC\underline{\the\WTC}\else\the\WTC\fi}% {\ifnum\Malc=7\relax \\ \global\Malc=0\else\ \ \fi}% \global\advance\Malc by 1 \advance\WTC by 1 \repeat{\ifnum\Malc=7\bf\fi\FTF \ifnum\Tag=\WTC\underline{\the\WTC}\else\the\WTC\fi}\par}\MKfalse} \arrayrulewidth=0.00333in \tabcolsep=2pt \doublerulesep=0pt \fboxrule=\arrayrulewidth \fboxsep=-\fboxrule \pagestyle{empty} \oddsidemargin=-1cm \topmargin=-1cm \advance\vsize by 1cm \headheight=0pt \headsep=0pt \def\Initialisierung{\newbox\BoxA \setbox\BoxA\hbox{\begin{tabular*}{12cm}% {|l|@{\extracolsep{\fill}}l@{\extracolsep{0pt}}*{6}{|c}|} \hline \vrule height11pt width0pt Uhr & T\"atigkeit & P & T & S & Pri & Zeit & ok \\ \hline\hline \phantom{0}\lower1pt\hbox{7:}\phantom{00} & \hbox to 7cm{\hss} & & & & & & \\ \hline \phantom{0}\lower1pt\hbox{8:} & & & & & & & \\ \hline \phantom{0}\lower1pt\hbox{9:} & & & & & & & \\ \hline \lower1pt\hbox{10:} & & & & & & & \\ \hline \lower1pt\hbox{11:} & & & & & & & \\ \hline \lower1pt\hbox{12:} & & & & & & & \\ \hline \lower1pt\hbox{13:} & & & & & & & \\ \hline \lower1pt\hbox{14:} & & & & & & & \\ \hline \lower1pt\hbox{15:} & & & & & & & \\ \hline \lower1pt\hbox{16:} & & & & & & & \\ \hline \lower1pt\hbox{17:} & & & & & & & \\ \hline \lower1pt\hbox{18:} & & & & & & & \\ \hline \lower1pt\hbox{19:} & & & & & & & \\ \hline \lower1pt\hbox{20:} & & & & & & & \\ \hline \lower1pt\hbox{21:} & & & & & & & \\ \hline \lower1pt\hbox{22:} & & & & & & & \\ \hline \hline \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{} & & & & & & \\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{} & & & & & & \\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{} & & & & & & \\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{} & & & & & & \\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{} & & & & & & \\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{} & & & & & & \\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{} & & & & 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