% This can be used to print letters on AI Lab letterhead on those printers % which have them in the third tray. It will also put the extension number % in the appropriate place at the bottom of the page; due to feeding % variability in the printer, this may sometimes be off. Second and % subsequent pages are printed on standard paper; copy to blank bonded % paper if you so desire. % Extension numbers are defined with other personal parameters by the % declaration % % \extension{xxxx} % % Send bug messages to Yishai@OZ. \makeatletter \let\@origshipout=\shipout \def\@testvbox{\vbox} \def\@aishipout#1#2{% \def\@foo{#1} \ifx\@foo\@testvbox \@origshipout\vbox to 9.19in{\vskip\@origvoffset \moveright\@orighoffset#1{#2}% \vss \hbox{\hskip 4.9in\ninrm\@extension}} \else\errmessage{Bug in \string\ailetterhead!} \@origshipout#1#2\fi \special{tray 1}% \voffset=\@origvoffset \hoffset=\@orighoffset \global\let\shipout=\@origshipout} \def\ailetterhead{% \special{tray 3} \xdef\@origvoffset{\the\voffset} \xdef\@orighoffset{\the\hoffset} \hoffset=0pt \voffset=0pt \let\shipout=\@aishipout} \def\@extension{} \def\extension#1{\def\@extension{#1}} \makeatother