% Read in by FEYNMANDOC: FEYNMANDOC3C. Called by FD3C.COM \section{Gluon Vertices} \subsection{The Anatomy of a Gluon Vertex} When a three-gluon vertex is drawn in the N, S, E or W directions using the \ddrawvertex\ command, diagonal gluon lines are drawn in a \bs REG style, while horizontal and vertical lines are drawn in a \bs CENTRAL configuration. When a three-gluon vertex is drawn in the NE, SW, SE or NW directions using the \ddrawvertex\ command, diagonal gluon lines are drawn in a \bs REG style, while horizontal and vertical lines are drawn in a \bs CURLY configuration. When preceded by a \bs flipvertex qualifier line one (and only line one) is flipped to become \bs FLIPPED, \bs FLIPPEDCURLY or \bs FLIPPEDCENTRAL. When a Four-gluon vertex is produced all of the lines will be either \bs REG (if drawn in a slanted direction) or \bs CURLY (if in a N, S, E or W direction). When \bs flipvertex is employed {\em all} of the lines will be flipped. The format is: \begin{verbatim} \drawvertex\gluon[] <(x,y), the co-ordinates of the beginning of the gluon one> [] \end{verbatim} Gluonic vertices may be drawn in any of the eight compass directions. If {\bf bold} gluons are desired then \bs THICKLINES {\it or} \bs thicklines may be used. The following parameters are returned by \ddrawvertex\bs gluon: \begin{verbatim} \gluonfrontx,\gluonfronty: The (x,y) co-ordinates of the front of the last line. \gluonbackx,\gluonbacky: The (x,y) co-ordinates of the back of the last line. \gluonlengthx,\gluonlengthy: The (x,y) extent of the last line. \gluoncount: The number of gluons printed thus far. \pfrontx,\pfronty: The (x,y) co-ords of the front of the last line. \pmidx,\pmidy: The (x,y) co-ords of the middle of the last line. \pbackx,\pbacky: The (x,y) co-ordinates of the back of the last line. \plengthx,\plengthy: The (x,y) extent of the line. \vertexonex,\vertexoney: The (x,y) co-ordinates of the back of line one. \vertextwox,\vertextwoy: The (x,y) co-ordinates of the back of line two. \vertexthreex,\vertexthreey: The (x,y) co-ordinates of the back of line three. \vertexfourx,\vertexfoury: The (x,y) co-ordinates of the back of line four. \vertexmidx,\vertexmidy: The (x,y) co-ordinates of the middle of the vertex. \vertexcount: The number of vertices printed thus far. \end{verbatim} \subsection{Examples and Details} We illustrate the effect of \bs flipvertex in on three-gluon vertices. The co-ordinate numbering has been done to scale. \vskip 0.2in \begin{picture}(30000,40000) \drawvertex\gluon[\E3](5000,30000)[3] \put(-4000,22000){{\tt \bs drawvertex\bs gluon[\bs E3](0,30000)[3]}} \flipvertex\drawvertex\gluon[\E3](30000,30000)[3] \put(19000,22000) {{\tt \bs flipvertex\bs drawvertex\bs gluon[\bs E3](30000,30000)[3]}} \drawvertex\gluon[\NE3](5000,10000)[3] \put(-5000,8000){{\tt \bs drawvertex\bs gluon[\bs NE3](5000,10000)[3]}} \flipvertex\drawvertex\gluon[\NE3](30000,10000)[3] \put(19000,8000) {{\tt \bs flipvertex\bs drawvertex\bs gluon[\bs NE3](30000,10000)[3]}} \end{picture} The following example illustrates how repeated use of the four-gluon vertex may be employed with great effect. It also illustrates a great shortcoming of using gluon vertices since this small example uses up most of \LaTeX's standardly available internal memory. For this reason an \bs{\it include} statement was used (see \LaTeX\ manual). \begin{verbatim} \begin{picture}(30000,15000) \drawvertex\gluon[\E 4](15000,0)[3] \drawline\fermion[\SW\REG](\vertexonex,\vertexoney)[\vertextwoy] \flipvertex\drawvertex\gluon[\E 4](\vertexthreex,\vertexthreey)[3] \drawvertex\gluon[\N 4](\vertextwox,\vertextwoy)[3] \flipvertex\drawvertex\gluon[\W 4](\vertextwox,\vertextwoy)[3] \drawline\fermion[\NW\REG](\vertexthreex,\vertexthreey)[\fermionlength] \drawline\fermion[\S\REG](\vertexthreex,\vertexthreey)[\vertexthreey] \end{picture} \end{verbatim} giving: