\documentclass[12pt]{curriculum-vitae} \usepackage[a4paper, total={7.3in, 9.7in}]{geometry} \name{Name Namename} \mailingaddr{123 High Street, Anytown, County, Postcode} \desc{Professional Action Figure Collector} \webpage{www.example.com} \phone{01234 567 890} \begin{document} \maketitle \cvsection[Education]{ \begin{detail}[School of Action Figure Collecting]{Jan 2000}{Jan 2003} \begin{itemize} \item Learnt how to organise action figures \item Conducted research on action figure heights \end{itemize} \end{detail} } \cvsection[Rando Research]{ \begin{detail}[Action Figure Heights: Are they growing smaller?]{Jan 2000}{Jan 2003} Very important research article. \end{detail} \begin{detail}[Action Figure Heights: Are they growing taller?]{Jan 2000}{Jan 2003} Another very important research article. \end{detail} \subsection{Journals} \begin{itemize} \item Journal of Action vol 333 \item Journal of Action vol 334 \item Journal of Action vol 335 \end{itemize} } \end{document}