%&latex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{poetica} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \newdimen\W \newcommand{\dropcap}[1]{\setbox0=\hbox{\fontsize{44}{48}\selectfont#1\ }% \setbox0=\hbox to.5\wd0{\hss\box0}% \W=\wd0 \gdef\.{\noindent\hskip\W}\noindent\vbox to10pt{\box0 \vss}} \begin{center} \begin{Poetica}\fontsize{23}{31}\selectfont \fontsize{30}{32}\selectfont _{A Sonne}{\wordbounds^--{|t}}\\[3pt] {\fontsize{14}{21}\fontshape{c}\selectfont William Shakespeare} \end{Poetica}\end{center} \begin{verse}\begin{Poetica} \dropcap{^W}hen, in disgrace with \+{*F}ortune and men's eye^{s},\\ \.I a^--{ll} alone beweep my outca\++{st} \ ^{st}ate,\\ And trouble deaf heaven with my bootle^--{ss} cries,\\ \+And look upon myself, and curse my fate,\\ Wishing me like to one more ri^{ch} in ^-{h}ope,\\ Featured like him, like him with ^{f}riends posse^--{st},\\ Desiring this man's ar^---{t} and that man's sco^---{p}e,\\ \+With what I most enjoy contented least;\\ Yet in these thoughts myself almost de^--{sp}{\i}sing---\\ Haply I think on ^{th}ee: and then my \+++{st}ate,\\ Like to the \+Lark at break of day arisin{\wordbounds^g}\\ \+From su^-{ll}en earth, sings hymns at \++Heaven's gate;\\[6pt] \quad ^For ^{th}y sweet \ \ \ {\wordbounds^--l}ove rememb'red suc^-{h} weal^{th} brings\\ \quad ^{Th}at t^-{h}en \++++{*I} scorn to ^{ch}ange my ^-{st}ate with ^-{*K}ings.\\ \end{Poetica}\end{verse} \end{document}