% Copyright (C) 1991 Silvio Levy % % This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program. If not, see . \input amstex \documentstyle{amsppt} \nologo \hsize=6.5in \vsize=9in \widowpenalty=10000 \clubpenalty=10000 \input greekmacros \greekdelims \font\sc=cmcsc10 \def\LaTeX{{\rm L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{\sc a}\kern-.15em T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}} \def\plus{\math{}+{}\math} \def\.#1{{\tt #1}} \def\disp#1{\line{\tt #1\hfil}} \def\angles#1{{$\langle$\rm #1$\rangle$}} \chardef\!`\\ \chardef\~`\~ \chardef\{`\{ \chardef\}`\} \chardef\#`\# \def\begineight{\smallskip\bgroup\eightpoint} \def\endeight{\par\egroup\smallskip} \def\verbatim{\begingroup \def\do##1{\catcode`##1=12 } \dospecials \parskip 0pt \parindent 0pt \catcode`\ =13 \catcode`\^^M=13 \tt \catcode`\?=0 \verbatimdefs \verbatimgobble} {\catcode`\^^M=13{\catcode`\ =13\gdef\verbatimdefs{\def^^M{\ \par}\let =\ }} % \gdef\verbatimgobble#1^^M{}} \def\beginverbatim{\smallskip\begingroup\verbatim} \def\endverbatim{\endgroup\endgroup\smallskip} \topmatter \title Using Greek Fonts with \TeX\endtitle \author Silvio Levy \endauthor \affil Princeton University \\ Fine Hall, Washington Road\\ Princeton, NJ, 08544\\ (\.{levy\@princeton.edu}) \endaffil \endtopmatter \document \abovedisplayskip6pt plus3pt minus3pt \belowdisplayskip6pt plus3pt minus3pt \abovedisplayshortskip0pt plus3pt \belowdisplayshortskip4pt plus3pt minus4pt In this document I hope to show that typesetting Greek in \TeX\ using the \.{gr} family of fonts can be as easy as typesetting English text, and leads to equally good results. This is meant to be a tutorial, not an exhaustive discussion; some \TeX nical remarks that should be useful after the reader has acquired some familiarity with the fonts are printed in fine print. \heading The Alphabet \endheading In order to typeset Greek text, you need to go into ``Greek mode.'' This is achieved by typing \.{\!begingreek} anywhere in your document; Greek mode will remain in effect until you type a matching \.{\!endgreek}. While in Greek mode, the letters `a' to `z' and `A' to `Z' come out as Greek letters, according to the following code: \display \hbox{\valign {\hbox to 10pt{\hfil\strut$#$\hfil}&\hbox to 10pt{\hfil\strut\tt#\hfil}\cr a&a\cr b&b\cr g&g\cr d&d\cr e&e\cr z&z\cr h&h\cr j&j\cr i&i\cr k&k\cr l&l\cr m&m\cr n&n\cr x&x\cr o&o\cr p&p\cr r&r\cr c&s\cr t&t\cr u&u\cr f&f\cr q&q\cr y&y\cr w&w\cr}} \enddisplay There is no digamma yet. The same character `s' will print as `$c$' or `$s$', depending on its position in a word. \begineight The system does this by accessing a ligature of `s' with any other letter that follows it. If, for some reason, you want to print an initial/medial sigma by itself (as in the table above), or at the end of a word, you should type `c'. \endeight Try to typeset some simple text now. Create a file containing the following lines: \beginverbatim \input greekmacros % where \begingreek and other commands are defined This is English text. \begingreek This is Greek text. \endgreek ?endverbatim When you \TeX\ this file, you get the following gibberish: \display \hbox{ This is English text. \begingreek This is Greek text. \endgreek } \enddisplay If you say \.{\!greekdelims} near the top of your file, the character \.{\$} can be used in place of both \.{\!begingreek} and \.{\!endgreek}. The control sequence \.{\!math} takes on the former meaning of \.{\$}. \heading Accents and Breathings \endheading To get an acute, grave or circumflex accent over a vowel, type \.{'}, \.{`} or \.{\~}, respectively, before the vowel. To get a rough or smooth breathing, type \.{<} or \.{>} before the vowel (or rho) and any accent that it may have. To get an iota subscript, type \.{|} {\it after\/} the vowel. A diaeresis is represented by \.{"}, and if accompanied by an accent it can come before or after the accent. For example, \hbox{\.{>en >arq\~h| >\~hn en >arq~h| >~hn agap\~w\}} gives \hbox{$\tt s''>agap~w$}. (Try it.) On the other hand, there are no ``italic'' or slanted Greek fonts, so \.{\!it} and \.{\!sl} will give you the same fonts as outside Greek mode. The various constructions under \AmSTeX\ and \LaTeX\ for increasing or decreasing point sizes don't work yet; they will in a future release. The characters that form diacritics (\.{<}, \.{>}, \.{'}, \.{`}, \.{\~}, \.{"} and \.{|}) are treated differently depending on whether or not you're in Greek mode. More exactly, under plain \TeX\ these characters (with the exception of \.{\~}) have a \.{\!catcode} of 12: they print as themselves, and they cannot appear in control words. But in Greek mode \.{'}, \.{`}, \.{\~}, \.{"} and \.{|} are ``letters'', that is, they have a \.{\!catcode} of 11, while \.{<} and \.{>} are active, with a \.{\!catcode} of 13. This may be important even for beginners because it means that \.{'}, for example, can be taken as part of a control word. Thus the sequence \beginverbatim \begingreek \line{wm'ega\hfil'alfa} \endgreek ?endverbatim \noindent will cause an error message about an undefined control sequence \.{\!hfil'alfa}, instead of printing \display $\line{wm'ega\hfil 'alfa}$ \enddisplay as you might expect. (I hope classicists will forgive this use of the modern Greek one-accent system.) The solution, of course, is to remember to add a blank after the \.{\!hfil}. \begineight A more subtle problem arises when you use Greek text in macro arguments, if the arguments are scanned while you're outside Greek mode. This is because \TeX\ assigns \.{\!catcode}s to tokens as it first reads them, so when the argument is plugged into the body of the macro the characters above have the wrong \.{\!catcode}. If the legendary Jonathan Horatio Quick were to write \display \hbox{\.{% \!def\!hellenize\#1\{\!begingreek \#1\!endgreek\} \!hellenize\{d'uo >`h tre\~is,\}}} \enddisplay he would be unpleasantly surprised by the following output: \display \def\hellenize#1{\begingreek #1\endgreek} \hbox{\hellenize{d'uo >`h tre~is,}} \enddisplay which can be explained as follows: the \.{\~}, which should be a letter, is seen as an active character, and expands to a blank as in plain \TeX; while the breathing, which should be active, is not, and in particular it doesn't do the right thing when next to the grave accent. Solutions to this problem require a bit of wizardry, and will not be discussed here; see, for example, Reinhard Wonneberger's article in the October, 1986 issue of {\it TUGboat}, especially pages 179--180. \endeight \end