% This file requires plain TeX for typesetting and NO special fonts % Use tex install.tex to produce the file install.dvi % install.tex 7-Dec-92 % %INSTALLATION PROCEDURE FOR KD FONTS \magnification=\magstep1 \parindent=0pt \centerline{\bf INSTALLATION PROCEDURE} \smallskip \centerline{\bf FOR Greek\TeX\ PACKAGE} \bigskip \centerline{\bf NOTE: This document does not describe installation of % the grlatex part of the package} \bigskip This documents gives a brief description of the installation procedure of the Greek\TeX\ Package. It is assumed that \TeX\ version 3.0 or higher is installed in your system and you also have access to Metafont (v 2.00 or higher). Most of the systems are also equiped with a scirpt, or batch file or even a small program that will create a font at a given magnification with a single command. Let us assume that this command is {\tt newfont} $$ {\tt scaled} $$. You must also have access to {\tt plain.tex} and {\tt hyphen.tex} (plain format version 3.00) or higher, as well as to INITEX for building formats. If you are interested in building the grlatex format as well, the the files for building lplain must also be available. \medskip \leftline{\bf Installing the Fonts} \smallskip Here is a table of the fonts and suggested magnifications: $$\vbox{\divide\hsize by2 \halign{\strut\tt #\hfill\tabskip=2em&\hfil#\hfil&\hfil#\hfil&\hfil#\hfil&% \hfil#\hfil&\hfil#\hfil&\hfil#\hfil&\hfil#\hfil\cr &750&800&900&1000&1200&1440&1795\cr kdgr10&&&&*&*&*&*\cr kdgr9&&&&*&*&*&*\cr kdgr8&*&&&*&*&*&*\cr kdbf10&&&&*&*&*&*\cr kdbf9&&&&*&*&*&*\cr kdbf8&*&&&*&*&*&*\cr kdsl10&&*&*&*&*&*&*\cr kdti10&&*&*&*&*&*&*\cr kdtt10&&*&*&*&*&*&*\cr }} $$ Each font is installed by a command of the form\par {\tt newfont kdgr10 scaled 1200}\par After installing all the fonts you are ready to move to the installation of the greek format. \medskip \leftline{\bf Format Installation} \smallskip Make sure that the file {\tt plain.tex} and {\tt hyphen.tex} are in your path and enter the command:\par {\tt INITEX greek}\par When INITEX has finished enter {\tt $\backslash$ dump}. Hopefully the file {\tt greek.fmt} must be ready to use. Just place it in your \TeX\ path and issue the command\par {\tt tex \& greek foo.tex}\par to run GREEK\TeX. You can also place the file {\tt greektex.tex} in you TEXINPUT path so that it can be included in short greek documents or replace the greek format file if the latter does not exist in your system. Note that the hyphenation will only work under the greek format and {\bf not} when you include the {\tt greektex} file to your document. Hyphenation apart, no other differences exist between the greek format and {\tt greektex.tex}. If you are building the latex extension grlatex, issue the command:\par {\tt INITEX lgreek}\par This will built the lgreek format. The lgreek format can be used instead of the standard latex format since it is simply and extension of the latex package enriched with several language dependant macros and the hyphenation patterns for greek tex. If during the procedure of creating the greek latex INITEX complains about too many font families then the lplain format must be modified to define only 10 font families (older version of lfonts.tex defined the {\tt uit} family of fonts which you might be able to eliminate without mamy losses). \bye