\documentclass{article} \usepackage{showkeys} \usepackage{setspace} \doublespacing \begin{document} Here is an article \cite{Witten:1997ep}, and here another \cite{Li:1996mi}. Then a wrong author: \cite{Nobody:1997aa} and a wrong label \cite{Cheng:1996hh} with `hh' instead of `hc'. Then an eprint \cite{hep-th/9703030} and a personal label \cite{DNS:94} plus a commented out one. % \cite{pippo}. Then a label with an author whose last name has two words \cite{deWit:1984px}. Then label with no arxiv specified which will search the default arxiv \cite{0101001}. Finally, here is an article with the new arxiv numbering \cite{0704.0001}. Notice this file uses {\sf utphys.bst} as a bibliography style. Any other style may be used. This file also uses the package {\sf showkeys} to show the names of the citation keys. \bibliographystyle{utphys} \bibliography{example} \end{document}