
The goal of paleoTS is to allow the user to simulate and fit time-series models commonly used to understand trait evolution in paleontology. Models include random walks, stasis, directional trends, OU, covariate-tracking, punctuations and more. Model fitting is done via maximum likelihood.


This is a simple example in which a time-series is generated, plotted, and then fit with three common models in paleobiology. The generating model is a general (also called biased) random walk, with a pretty strong trend parameter. Usually, this model receives just about all of the available model support with these generating parameters.

y <- sim.GRW(ns = 40, ms = 0.3)

#> Comparing 3 models [n = 40, method = Joint]
#>              logL K      AICc     dAICc Akaike.wt
#> GRW     -26.71456 3  60.09579   0.00000     0.998
#> URW     -34.09895 2  72.52223  12.42644     0.002
#> Stasis -106.97466 2 218.27365 158.17785     0.000

Take a look at the vignette “paleoTS_basics” for more of an introduction to this package.


paleoTS should be installed from CRAN.